Following a few simple guidelines to make your home shine can help effectively set the stage for potential buyers to envision their future in your space. Make sure you clean, declutter, depersonalize before staging and before listing photos are taken in order to make the best impression both online and in person! #realestate #stagingtips #fhm89 #realestateagent #listreports #buying #selling #realestateexpert #financehub #dreamhome #homeownership #homebuying #homesearch #buyingahome
Good morning Manfred. Must say, if you can't stage or do small remodels and painting, there is terrific return on the use of "elbow grease"! Enjoy your day.
Manfred Lewis Leslie H...
Spartanburg, SC
Hello Manfred - setting the stage for a successful real estate experience means more than putting some lipstick on a pig. No disrespect to pigs, of course. A lot of upfront preparation goes into process for the best results.
Manfred Lewis Leslie H...
Spartanburg, SC
This is good advice to share. Have a great day and a very productive week.
Manfred Lewis Leslie H...
Spartanburg, SC
Hello and great information that you are sharing with us on this Sunday. Make it a great day!
Manfred Lewis Leslie H...
Spartanburg, SC
Thanks for sharing, make it a great Sunday and enjoy your
Bill Salvatore, Realtor- Arizona Elite Properties
Manfred Lewis Leslie H...
Spartanburg, SC