Yesterday when I went to purchase gasoline for my Yukon (gas hog) a beautiful woman pulled up to the pump next to me and she had the darkest/best tan I had ever seen. I held back on my "Woe Baby" (that is reserved for Nina Hollander, Broker only) response. In truth I really thought about my last two years of seeing a dermatologist out of fear of every new dot being skin cancer.
I was so glad I did not say anything at all to her because as I got in line behind her to pay someone else commented on how pretty she was/is and her reply was "Stranger, Danger" and she gave him a look that I was glad was not directed at me.
Either age does bring wisdom or I was really lucky this time.
80-year-old vet achieves dream of obtaining college degree. An 80-year-old veteran in White Lake walked the graduation stage 40 years after being 1 credit shy from completing his degree. He previously had to leave college to take a full-time job and support his family.