Too much noise certainly causes negativity for me, so I always turn away from it when I can.
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Good morning Laura. My wife and I lived in downtown Chicago for a number of years and were always commenting on the noise from cars, trains, police sirens, ambulances and people shouting. Now we live far far away beyond the suburban sprawl. And, no noise pollution. What a definite change for the better. Enjoy your day.
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Even in my neighborhood, the noise pollution has increased so much. I honestly am considering moving its nothing is done to address it. The location used to be a retreat from excess noise.
I am dealing with a lot of folks right now who seem to be "full of sha"
Quiet enjoyment is a term used in our leases and purchase agreements. My threshold is quite high...but I do understand those who hate too much noise.
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Hello Laura - for me, there can be many sorts of pollution negatively influencing our environment. For example, the Perseid meteor shower seen in our area this month have been impacted by light pollution. Countless more interpretations continue to contaminate life around us.
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Hey Michael,
I agree with you. Light pollution, air, sound, its all encroaching on quality of life and that is a fact.
Hello Laura and great information to share with us in the Rain today. Make it a great day!
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY
Loved your post Laura Cerrano I live next to LAX as in Los Angeles International Airport, we have double pane double windows to cut down on the noise:) Endre
Laura Cerrano
Locust Valley, NY