Earlier this week I was batting around blog post ideas and titles with a Rain friend, and for the same topic we would come up with entirely different post titles.
His titles tended to be the more eye catching, but his style of blogging is entirely different than mine. Most of my posts wouldn't be a natural fit for his blog, nor his for mine, and that's perfectly okay because as many members of ActiveRain as there are, there can be that many different approaches for how to best use your time in the Rain.
Blogging for business leads down one path, blogging for entertainment down another, and sometimes the two paths merge. If you can educate and entertain in the same post, that's a win in my book.
And it's not just blogging where we demonstrate our style.
Often commenting reveals more about a person than their blog posts.
Do you demonstrate that you've actually read the post?
Are your comments constructive?
Can you differ with the writer in a civil fashion?
Do you even attempt to engage in a conversation, or is it just "gimme my 25 points"?
IMO, the relationship building in this community comes more from comment threads & the Q&A section than it does from a blog post.
Those venues offer the opportunity to demonstrate if you build others up, or kick 'em in the shins.
You can guess which category will sustain followers the longest.
And the more about the members you know, the more you'll know about who you can talk to, and who can teach you how to make an AI photo from NightCafe (if you look closely, you might find Skynet).
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz