
Cantonment Rotary: 20 Reasons to Join Rotary It Is The Best Hour

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The Opportunity to Serve: Rotary is a service club. Its product is serving. Rotarians provide community service to both local and international communities. This is perhaps the best reason for becoming a Rotarian: the chance to do something for somebody else, to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process, and to return that satisfaction to one's own life. It is richly rewarding.

  • Friendship: In a world that’s becoming more complex, Cantonment Rotary Club meets one of the most basic human needs: the need for friendship and fellowship. This was one of the primary reasons for Rotary’s founding in 1905.

  • Business Development: The second key reason for Rotary’s inception was business development. Networking is essential, and the Cantonment Rotary Club offers a diverse cross-section of the business community. Members come from all walks of life, supporting each other and collectively helping others.

  • Personal Growth and Development: Membership in the Cantonment Rotary Club promotes continuous growth and education in human relations and personal development.

  • Leadership Development: Cantonment Rotary Club is a community of leaders and accomplished individuals. Serving in Rotary is akin to a college education in leadership—learning to motivate, influence, and lead others.

  • Citizenship in the Community: Membership in the Cantonment Rotary Club enhances one’s role as a responsible community citizen. The club comprises some of the community's most active and engaged citizens.

  • Continuing Education: Cantonment Rotary Club offers weekly programs to inform members about local, national, and global issues. Meetings provide opportunities to listen to various speakers on timely topics.

  • Fun: Cantonment Rotary Club is all about fun. Meetings are enjoyable, club projects are fulfilling, and social activities bring joy. Serving others while having fun is a cornerstone of the club’s culture.

  • Public Speaking Skills: Many members join the Cantonment Rotary Club with a fear of public speaking. The club helps develop confidence and skills in public communication, offering numerous opportunities to practice and improve.

  • Citizenship in the World: As part of Rotary International, Cantonment Rotary Club members wear a pin symbolizing their connection to a global community. With over 33,000 clubs worldwide, Rotarians are welcome anywhere, fostering local and global friendships.

  • Assistance when Traveling: Rotary clubs are everywhere, making it easy for members of Cantonment Rotary Club to find assistance while traveling, whether they need a doctor, a lawyer, or just local advice.

  • Entertainment: like every Rotary club, Cantonment Rotary Club hosts parties and activities that provide a refreshing break from business life. Conferences, conventions, and assemblies offer entertainment, learning, and service opportunities.

  • The Development of Social Skills: Weekly meetings and various events at Cantonment Rotary Club help members develop their personality, social skills, and people skills. It’s an organization for those who enjoy connecting with others.

  • Family Programs: Cantonment Rotary Club supports one of the world’s largest youth exchange programs and high school and college clubs for future Rotarians. Family involvement is encouraged through activities that promote growth and the development of family values.

  • Vocational Skills: Every member of the Cantonment Rotary Club is expected to contribute to the growth of their profession or vocation, serve on committees, and educate youth about their career paths. Rotary helps individuals become better professionals.

  • The Development of Ethics: Cantonment Rotary Club members adhere to the 4-Way Test, which governs ethical standards in business and personal relationships. Rotarians are committed to practicing ethics in all aspects of life.

  • Cultural Awareness: The Cantonment Rotary Club reflects a cross-section of the world’s most prominent citizens from various backgrounds. Members become culturally aware, learning to collaborate and connect with people from diverse cultures, ultimately becoming better global citizens.

  • Prestige: Members of Cantonment Rotary Club are leaders in business, the professions, the arts, government, sports, the military, religion, and other disciplines. Rotary is the oldest and most prestigious service club globally, with members who are decision-makers and influencers.

  • Nice People: Above all, members of the Cantonment Rotary Club are friendly people—the kindest individuals you’ll ever meet. They follow the principle that “it is nice to be important, but it is more important to be nice.”

  • The Absence of an “Official Creed”: Cantonment Rotary Club has no secret handshakes, policies, or creeds. It is an open society of men and women who believe in helping others.



Rotary was started by four business people who wanted to help the city of Chicago. It has morphed into a worldwide philanthropic organization, topped by no one or no other organization. Google any city, add Rotary to the search, and see for yourself. Then check out any charity on Charity Navigator and see the money spent helping others compared to their leadership salaries. Oh, my. Unless you are filthy rich and can throw money away, this alone will have you giving to Rotary and nowhere else. If you are the average Joe or Sue and want to help people with the right resources, check out Rotary. Whether it is your time or money, you will love Rotary—Cantonment Rotary: New Year Full of Opportunities. 

Check us out and have a free lunch as our guest.

Wednesday - 12:00 PM

St. Luke's Methodist Church (conference center left side of main entrance)
1394 E 9 Mile Rd
Pensacola, FL 32514


Lew Corcoran
Better Living Real Estate, LLC - East Bridgewater, MA
Expert guidance. Exceptional results.

Thank you, Charles, for sharing such insightful reasons to join the Cantonment Rotary Club! I appreciate the comprehensive overview of the personal and community benefits that come with membership—your passion for service and fellowship truly shines through!

Aug 14, 2024 03:42 AM