
Ever Feel Like Toast?

Services for Real Estate Pros with Ward County Notary Services 607851

I think most of us feel like toast at the end of a long stressful day. There are few occupations/vocations where you do not have a stressful day every once in a while and of course there are occupations where every day may be stressful. I am familiar with the expression that if you do what you love you don't work. I say BS!

I do like Philemon's advice. I'm not a bath type of guy but I love my shower and my naps. What I really need is a hot tub and a sauna, which I may build this winter.

So, because I am thinking about building a sauna and a hot tub I thought I'd see what the "experts" say about adding a hot tub. Interestingly enough the first thing that came up was:

Our realtor suggested a hot tub to increase property value... curious to know: if we're in and out of town a lot, do you just keep it running, even in winter? Does that cost a fortune? Will it restart itself if power goes off and on? Any other newbie q's I should be asking?

The first thing I thought when I read this was "who is your Realtor"? Honestly I can not imagine a Realtor suggesting adding a hot tub to increase a homes value... unless the Realtor was planning on buying the house and he/she just wanted a free hot tub. What say you?

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Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

Hi Bob... all I know is that when it comes to hot tubs in my area... they add no value. Buyers don't want the hassle of them or the cost of maintaining them. When I show a house with a hot tub, most of the time my buyers ask if the seller would remove it.

Aug 19, 2024 09:12 AM
Bob "RealMan" Timm

I think it would be the same here Nina Hollander, Broker . I think during my career I saw less that six hot tubs in homes and only one with an indoor pool.

Aug 19, 2024 11:02 AM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Good morning Bob,

Every area is different. In Austin most people want to put in a pool and definitely want to include a spa! A spa alone doesn't make sense for us with our hot weather.

Aug 19, 2024 10:18 AM
Bob "RealMan" Timm

Just curious Dorie Dillard Austin TX , up here pools need to be heated, do the pools in the South need to be cooled?

Aug 19, 2024 11:03 AM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Hi Bob,

No we have heated pools so we can be in them year round! LOL!

Aug 19, 2024 12:29 PM
Bob "RealMan" Timm

We use ours year around too Dorie Dillard Austin TX 


Aug 19, 2024 01:58 PM
Ed Silva, 203-206-0754
Mapleridge Realty, CT 203-206-0754 - Waterbury, CT
Associate Real Estate Broker

Anybody that has ever put their all into a task or day fully understands the stress involved and the toll it takes on the mind and body. Those are the days you can't wait to get home.

Aug 19, 2024 02:50 PM
Bob "RealMan" Timm

I am eager to get home after every work day Ed Silva, 203-206-0754 . It's not that every day is stressful but gee whiz, I'm past retirement and I like spending time at home.

Aug 19, 2024 06:45 PM