I think most of us feel like toast at the end of a long stressful day. There are few occupations/vocations where you do not have a stressful day every once in a while and of course there are occupations where every day may be stressful. I am familiar with the expression that if you do what you love you don't work. I say BS!
I do like Philemon's advice. I'm not a bath type of guy but I love my shower and my naps. What I really need is a hot tub and a sauna, which I may build this winter.
So, because I am thinking about building a sauna and a hot tub I thought I'd see what the "experts" say about adding a hot tub. Interestingly enough the first thing that came up was:
Our realtor suggested a hot tub to increase property value... curious to know: if we're in and out of town a lot, do you just keep it running, even in winter? Does that cost a fortune? Will it restart itself if power goes off and on? Any other newbie q's I should be asking?
The first thing I thought when I read this was "who is your Realtor"? Honestly I can not imagine a Realtor suggesting adding a hot tub to increase a homes value... unless the Realtor was planning on buying the house and he/she just wanted a free hot tub. What say you?