Sometimes pets get vocal just when you want to relax. When I come home from work, Baby our dog, gives me a happy dance greeting but shortly after she stands by the back door and vocally tells me she wants to go out.
My favorite vocal by Baby (the dog) is we often give her a large rawhide bone which she immediately wants to hide. She goes from room to room in the house making a crying noise that I assume is "oh my, where can I hide this so no one will steal it from me?". I really need to capture this on video and put it on YouTube. She will basically keep this up for a week but intermittently trot the bone out wanting me to have me play hide and seek with the bone. Eventually she does eat it.
Every pet wants love and attention. Timmothy and Tina's guinea pigs "weeked" when they wanted attention. Our birds got vocal when they wanted attention. I'm sure you have stories as well of your pets if you have owned any.
Love is the biggest need of our pets, that is why those horrible ads by the ASPCA are so moving and hard to watch. If you can not love and care for a pet you should never own one... no matter how much your spoiled little brat of a kid begs for one. Along those same lines YOU should never buy a pet for anyone other than yourself.