Thank you George Souto, Debe Maxwell, Kathy Streib and the entire ActiveRain gang for allowing me time to share on your weekly Zoom Call.
We reviewed what was covered previously, and then added in some live searches and attendees requests. While there is so much to cover using RPR for the masses, we drilled down on the laser focused searches and tools.
What We Covered Last Time:
A. Getting Started - The Setup
B. Run Your Own Property (And preview all reports)
C. Recognize the Volume of Data, Content, Reports etc.
D. See Through Data to "CLIENT VALUE"
E. All US Properties are accessable 24/7 via Mobile
F. RPR Offers Commercial
G. How To Prospect and Farm for Marketing
H. How to Target Market/Laser Focused searches
I. Setting up and Adding Custom Pages to Reports
J. The RPR Activerain Challenge.
My goal was to try and provide everyone with enough tools, education, training, live webinars or on demand, blog posts, user groups, customer support to move forward at their own time and pace. It's just another tool in your arsenal.
Here you go with some tools and resources needed to effectively or affectively be able to use PRP Successfully going forward from right here!
1. Here are the Canva templates and resources I shared.
2. Your go-to, one-stop-shop for property data, tools and reports.
3. What do you want to learn today and How?
I hope our Zoom call was more than just an educational or even training event. I'd think everyone can now see and smell beyond our own noses and recognize that the most valuable things to our clients might be right there in our toolbox!?