ActiveRain Blogging…Are You Forgetting the Bigger Picture?
A question that gets asked frequently is “Why don’t my posts get featured?” Trust me, I’ve been here since 2008 and you can count on that topic coming up.
Of the many reasons why a post may or may not get featured, one you might not be aware of if you are new to this platform is your Feature Photo!
Up until several years ago there was no such thing as a Feature Photo. However, in trying to reinvigorate and update this platform, Ben Kinney encouraged a look that would include what is now called the Feature Photo.
It’s not a requirement for your post, however, if you hope to get featured, it is a must. Read more from Kat Palmiotti's excellent post...Getting Started On ActiveRain.
Full Disclosure…When the use of Feature Photos started, I was hesitant. My thought was that it was like saying “I want (or expected) my post to get featured.
However, it not only became second nature to me but I found that when I’m searching the blogroll for posts to read, I tend to gravitate to posts that have a Feature photo.
When you think about it, inserting a Feature photo can be easier than inserting a graphic or photo into your blog post.
~First choose what graphic you want to use. You can use the same one or change it..whatever you want.
~The editor suggests a minimum size of 480 x 360.
~Click “Choose File” and upload your photo!
Wasn’t that easy???