Whoever stated "ignorance is bliss" probably had some insight into what composes "by-products" on nutrition labels on canned meats :)
But we're not talking about Spam or Vienna sausages today, but the by-products of being a regular blogger!
We heard at a real estate convention almost 20 years ago that we should be blogging (along with 10,000 other things we SHOULD be doing!). It took some time, but somehow we stumbled across ActiveRain, signed up for an account...and promptly disappeared for 3 years before returning.
We didn't come out of the chute knowing how to blog for business, that was an evolution over time, and initial by-products of starting to blog was building relationships and gaining knowledge. We found ActiveRain was VERY giving and members willingly shared all kinds of useful information, information you'd not expect to receive from your local market competitors even if you worked for the same brokerage.
Bit by bit our blogging approach changed. More by-products of frequent blogging: choosing what to blog, where to get graphics, controlling tone, getting more efficient with blogging time, etc. all became more and more routine.
Mix in some dips into niche blogging about patio homes and other forms of low maintenance living and a serious by-product: search engine rankings on Page 1!
And in time, the shift in how to blog and gaining search ranking paid off with financial by-products: clients. The first call from someone wanting to buy a patio home? Woo-hoo! And they had a condo to sell too!
It's almost 20 years later and I've still not mastered blogging to attract listings, but the by-product of our niche blogging has been attracting buyers who sometimes have a home to sell too!
There are more by-products to participating in this community. Of course you can gain market knowledge of other areas, pick up on regional techniques you can use in your own market, and plenty of birthday wishes and people willing to help if times become troubling.
It's these types of by-products that keep me coming back day after day, year after year :)
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz