This is my entry for the 2024 September Blog 53 Word Challenge. Nick Vandekar, 610-203-4543 and I are hosting this month.
Hiring a REALTOR® matters. It is a profession unlike any other.
The job is physically, emotionally, and financially demanding.
Continuous education, expertise, and technical skills required.
Real estate is a people’s business.
Communication, integrity, and honesty is the glue
That keeps the transaction together.
Without a sale, a REALTOR® does not get paid.
I learned about Press 53 Word Story at a class I took in July 2024 at Olli/UNT (University of North Texas). My first attempt for ActiveRain was writing Durable Agent in 53 Words on August 10, 2024. It was then, I challenged others to give it a try and Nick was the only one who took up my challenge. I was happy to hear that we could host the 2024 September Challenge and super excited to read three entries by day two. They were excellent! Here on ActiveRain we have many highy advanced members in the Real Estate Industry, lots of people new to the business or to blogging, and countless retirees. Even deceased member's blog posts will occasionally resurface and get featured! On ActiveRain your stories never die.
Because we are a diverse group with similar backgrounds, networking and building relationships is very important. The camarderie (mutual trust and friendship among peers) is the energy boost we gain to keep us going whether we are busy or not. Keeping others engaged and being mindful of positive comments is necessary. You never know who is reading your blog post and comments.
Through our blogs, we find similaries, coincidences, and experiences that we can share as a healthy experience. Our occupation is unlike any other. Subsequently, we understand the nature of the business. Appreciation and a positive experience for each other is a golden opportunity that may be lacking in areas where you practice or have had experience in this field of work that doesn't pay, unless you complete a transaction.
Writing 53 words to get my point across has been a challenge for me. I'm still learning. How about you? I hope you enjoy this challenge and will participate. Our stories, like us are all different.
by Patricia Feager, using NightCafe for images.