Public Hearing: Lakeforest Development Rights
The Mayor and City Council will conduct a public hearing during a Special Session on Thursday, September 26 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the Development Rights and Responsibilities Agreement (DRRA) for Lakeforest Redevelopment, LLC. The primary purpose of a DRRA is to provide for the creation of an agreement that can provide certainty and stability to developers, while allowing the City to negotiate enhanced public benefits in return. A DRRA aims to enhance development flexibility, innovation, and quality, while ensuring the protection of public interests, health, safety, and welfare. Learn more about the project here.
The public may attend in-person at 16 S. Summit Ave. or watch virtually. Registration is required to watch and comment via Zoom. Register online here. Registration is not required to comment in-person.
This is a City of Gaithersburg, Maryland announcement.
Daylily, Kentlands Photowalk, Gaithersburg, Maryland USA IMG 5022
Canon PowerShot G11 Camera
Photograph by Roy Kelley
Roy and Dolores Kelley Photographs