I guess I am building on my last post - Why I Don't Do White Whales Anymore - with this post. I found this quote recently and I just love it.
We are responsible for how we conduct our business and with whom we work. We are responsible for how we spend our energy, our money, and our time. How often do you hear an agent complaining about a client? How tiresome is that? Whose fault is it that they are working with a toxic client or one who just chooses not to understand how real estate works and what the Realtor's responsibilities are.
If you know that that client relationship is going to be a bed of weeds rather than a garden filled with money plants, stop watering it! Move on. If you can see how it is going, why keep going? Ultimately, no one is going to swoop in and save you from a toxic client or a bad experience but yourself.
If you have picked a business plan for the year and it isn't working, move on. Recalibrate. Change what you are doing. You don't have to keep pouring into a bad plan or a bad situation. Chances are that if you pivot a little bit, you will find a fertile field to tend and water - and it will turn into a garden for you.
When someone shows you who they are, believe them. You aren't going to fix them and you don't have to try. It is okay to walk away. Stop trying to turn an emotional desert into a garden. Do you really want that person in your life? Do you want to spend all that energy trying to fix them?
When your bed is hard, turn over often. (This is one from my Lynchburg VA grandmother) - If you don't like where you are, move. Don't stay put and complain. Get out of it.
Just remember that there are plots of ground (and people) all around you waiting for you to pour into them. Just go find them. Life will be so much better when your talents are valued.