Wordful Wednesday
Wondering As I Wander. . .
I can. And I can't. Along similar lines, I do and don't too. Each statement can be valid. Two thoughts that seem contradictory, totally opposite, can be reasonable. Or deserving of discussion.
I continue to wonder. About all sorts of things. Can we do better. I don't know. But I am certain that I can do and be better. I may falter. And fail. Likely, far more frequently than I might originally intend. Or imagine.
As such minutiae enters my mind mini, maybe-even-micro-minute-debates may develop. Within my mind. Outside it as well. Attempting to address such differences can be frustrating. So, is it worth it?
Pause. Perspective. And, of course, for me pondering can become a part of the picture presented. For one's own edification. Or perhaps for something else. And then there are those times where pontificating seems to take over. And run amok. Perhaps, followed by, a “what the Hell. . .” moment. Such things could drive one crazy, but please, don't. Stay focused on the right course. Have a good Wednesday.