Sadly, scams are everywhere these days. Mostly over the phone, via email or text. While I am not a suspicious or distrustful person by nature, constant barrages of daily calls, texts and emails have changed that.
This week I received an email from an attorney about the home warranty my seller clients had paid for on a recent transaction. The home warranty company is excellent. But the new buyer (not my client) was scammed.
The home warranty company had already been paid by the seller.
The email read something like:
"My client gave the warranty company $200. Now they are asking him for $200 more. Why are they doing this?" They said they needed the extra money since it was a 3 year warranty.
Sirens and bells went off in my head immediately.
I knew that he was scammed. I asked her: : "Who did he pay? He was scammed. The company I use would never collect additional money, and they do not have a 3 year warranty program. Tell him to stop paying strangers."
When you buy a home, that data becomes easily attainable. Buyers beware.
The good news is, it was limited to $200. It is infuriating to see slimy human beings take advantage of good, hard working people.
Before giving strangers any money, ever, investigate. One your money is gone, it is not coming back.
My cell: (609) 864-8164
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