Yesterday morning was the first day that Jack Frost painted my windshield this season.
I am back to running out to the car 10 minutes before leaving (my remote start is not working) and turning on the defrosters and the seat heater. Then running back into the warm house brush my teeth and kiss my bride goodbye for the work day.
The Yukon has more little things wrong with it then are worth fixing BUT it still runs well and is the only vehicle I own that can pull my camper so it's going to be around until it totally dies. It is also the only four wheel drive vehicle I have and it will drive through a foot or more of snow when needed.
Back to the subject of sneezing. A quick search says:
Here are some fun facts about sneezing.
Sneezing is a full-body action: Sneezing involves the chest, abdomen, diaphragm, and throat.
Sneezing can spread infections: A sneeze can release up to 40,000 droplets that contain bacteria and viruses into the air. These droplets can spread infections like the flu, common cold, strep throat, and pneumonia.
Sneezing can travel fast: A sneeze can travel up to 100 miles per hour and can reach a radius of five feet.
Sneezing can last for minutes: The droplets from a sneeze can remain airborne for up to 10 minutes.
Sneezing is a reflex: Sneezing is triggered by a number of things.
Sneezing can reset your nose: Sneezing helps reset your nose's ability to trap bad particles in the air.
Sneezing can cause your heart to "skip": Sneezing can cause a slight change in chest pressure, which can alter blood flow and make your heartbeat feel like it's "skipping".
Sunlight can make some people sneeze: About one in four people sneeze when exposed to sunlight, which is caused by the photic sneeze reflex.
You can sneeze with your eyes open: It's possible to sneeze while keeping your eyes open.
- You don't sneeze while you're asleep: You don't sneeze while you're asleep because the nerves that trigger sneezing are also asleep.