Friday Fun…What’s Spookier Than Halloween???
What do you think is spookier than Halloween??? It’s figuring out what to do with the leftover goodies!!!
With fewer children in our area, I don’t buy as much but there will be leftovers, I know. It has to be removed from the STREIB casa or my big child will be all over it!
When we were in Delray Beach, I loved sharing leftover treats with my nurse friend who worked at the hospital. Now that we're back in Houston, I take them to my niece, who is an elementary school teacher.
There are many things you can do with your leftover candy…freeze some of it, bake with it, or donate it. Our friend in FL took the leftover candy he collected with him on his annual trip to Israel. There he gave it to the children and saved some to pass out when they had to go to the bomb shelters.
If you’re truly creative, like Sharon Tara or Kathy Schowe, you’ll even figure out a way to do something with the candy wrappers!
So for some Friday Fun…Share with us…
Did you have any leftover candy???
What do you plan on doing with it…or have you already eaten it??