Tomorrow is the 2024 Presidential, Senate, Congress, state, county and city election day. This election has for many been unkind even though some candidates have campaigned on the theme of “joy” which appeared to be somewhat lacking.
I came across this quote by Albert Schweitzer and I had never heard or read it before.
"As the sun makes ice melt, kindness causes misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility to evaporate."
Even though I have attempted to be emotionally intelligent in my responses both in person and online, I must admit sometimes my comments appear to be unkind. As I am a very high “D” problem solver and a much lower “I” people person, a low “S” fast pace person and a high “C” process person, I must continue to check myself.
Kindness does not even require words as noted by William Arthur Ward:
“A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson recognized the relationship between kindness and time with these words:
“You cannot do a kindness too soon,
for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
Possibly when we are kind, we are demonstrating wisdom that being learning from the mistake of others.
“What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?”
Jean Jacques Rousseau
Yes, there can be an authentic disconnect between kindness and fondness as observed by Samuel Johnson.
“Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.”
As move forward after this and any future election, maybe we with kindness the feelings of misunderstanding, mistrust and hostility will start to evaporate.
Possibly the words of Sophocles will help us in that endeavor.
"One who know how to show and to accept kindness will be a friend better than any possession."
Leanne M Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent Who Goes the Extra Mile Because Life Begins Where the Pavement Ends.
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