"Relationships Move At The Speed of Trust"
Geoff Talbot, Social Media Trainer
Trust impacts speed and cost across relationships, teams, and industries.
Your action for today:
Write down three names of sold-clients you can call to deepen your relationship with by simply asking them a couple F.O.R.D. Questions -
Family, Occupation, Recreation, Dreams
“Chase relationships, not transactions.” -Larry Kendall
Design An Extraordinary Election Day!
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We work 100% By Referral!
Our experienced team is coached by the #1 business
coaching company in North America:
Buffini & Company for over 20 years!
All our properties come with 3D Virtual Tours
and Professional Photography,
Marketing and Negotiating Skills...
most agents do not possess!
Contact us for a pressure-FREE consultation.
More joyful stories, photos, antidotes,
quotes and inspiration found here: