Still Thankful
For Words of Wisdom
As Well As
The World of Wonder & Wander
November Challenge Entry
Number Three. . .
I repeat many things. Including a mantra-of-sorts, it’s simply complicated. I have written versions of it in posts, comments and answers on these pages as well in everyday living. Many sorts of things seem confusing. At first glance and often when doing a deeper dive.
Perhaps my pondering, or word salad as some say, is meaningless jabber. I’ll let you know something. There is a lot of crap that can be found as my thoughts spill into my pondering posts. At least to some of those reading. And for me as the ponderer writing - at least sometimes. Do you feel scammed. Or surprised. Really?
Well, thoughts develop in different ways. It's a process, right? Don't misread what I said, there is meaning in some of $+!f I write. At least for me.
A few years ago, I was a bit lost as I contemplated my return to AR after taking a break from posting. My future was complicated. While much has cleared, the forecast remains a bit cloudy like anytime when predictions of times-to-come are part of the picture.
These days, my journey through ActiveRainLand and elsewhere, includes expressing my thoughts in different ways. As it has evolved, sometimes that thinking is just for me. While my posts have wandered away from the world of real estate where I practiced for more than a while, it remains a presence in my mind.
Thoughts often combine in interesting ways. Many sorts of things come together like that. Sometimes salads. On occasion, solutions too. Along the way, solving lots of stuff can be the result.
Once again, I return to quotes to better understand myself and the world around me. Different views and thoughts. That remains a part of me. It's complicated, isn't it? Simply so, some say. And yeah, you guessed correctly, "it depends" on situations and circumstances. Of course, consequences, intended and otherwise have starring roles in my pondering production. In the meantime, the promised words of wisdom follow:
Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers
Isaac Asimov
Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes
Oscar Wilde
When you are content
to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete,
everybody will respect you
Lao Tzu
There is only one boss. The customer.
And he can fire everybody in the company
from the chairman on down,
simply by spending his money somewhere else.
Sam Walton
While not exactly out on a limb, my life is a "work in progress". Thank you very much. Now, back to wondering and wandering.
The images in this post are from this site's website, my personal collection of photos as well as