Next in line to kisses is smiles. We may not want to kiss everybody we see but we would love to see a smile on everyone we see. I admit that I do not roll out of bed with this smile... but I am working on it 😊.
Fortunately for me Carol and Timmothy always seem to wake with a smile and loving greeting, which of course makes me smile.
Once I have woke up and hit the street I make an effort to smile for everyone I come in contact with and wish them a good morning/day. Often it is magical to see them light up and return the greeting... it's very rewarding. I especially like to smile and greet those who are in public/customer service as they seem to get more than their share of abuse during the day.
My favorite smiles, of course, come from my family. The banner at the top of my post has a baby Tina (my now 24 year old daughter) on each end, then Timmothy, Jesus, & Carol. More recent pictures (except Jesus) below.
In order, Timmothy (my Son) Tina & Jonathan (my Daughter and NEW Son-in-law), and of course myself and my bride Carol.
Selling Real Estate is serious business. We deal with other peoples futures and their fortunes BUT keep in mind we can conduct serious business with a pleasant smile on our faces.
In this month of giving thanks members of Active Rain have been encouraged to share what we are thankful for by Debe Maxwell, CRS . This is my second submission. Please check out my first as well as others submissions at Thankful Thoughts: ActiveRain's November 2024 Gratitude Challenge
Sometimes we can see a smile even if it is not in front of us. I recently received two such smiles from the Ward County Jail. Here is one:
For anyone unaware, I have a jail ministry providing a snack of Ramon to prisoners who can not afford to purchase a snack while others are eating around them.