Friday Fun…When’s the Last Time???
Thanksgiving is around the corner and preparations are in order. Today is Clean Your Refrigerator Day, created for those needing to make room in their fridge for all of the turkey day goodies.
So let me ask you…do you regularly clean out your fridge or wait until you can’t take it anymore???
I toss things as needed and always edit what I have the day before the garbage is picked up.
But what about REALLY cleaning your fridge???
If you’re a novice to this you can find what you need to know here.
~Suffice it to say that it’s best to remove everything so that you can thoroughly clean all of the shelves and drawers, and don't forget the coils!
~The experts go by the 2 hour rule of thumb for food being left out of the fridge. However, we grab a large cooler and place questionable items in it while cleaning.
~Soap and water, baking soda and vinegar are safe to use and most of us always have them on hand!
I’m going to be tossing some of those used- it- once- condiments that made their way into the fridge.
On the flip side, we have a good friend who loves to cook and experiment. So much so that he has a small fridge just to house his condiments!!!
Another friend has never enjoyed cooking so she and her husband eat out most of the time. Her fridge has fruit and the things necessary for a snack, such as cheese, crackers, olives, etc.
So for some Friday Fun…how often do you clean your fridge???
Which one is yours???
What item in your fridge do you have that you’ve never used or used only once??? Is it time to toss is???