Like many others, I'm grateful for Active Rain - this incredible platform that brought us all together many years ago and remains the gift that keeps on giving.
Yesterday started out like any other. Then I received an email from a gentleman looking for a rental for himself, his wife and his dog. (But you already knew that! )
He went into details of what they were looking for, and at the very end of the email, he wrote the following:
"Ps – got your information from this search:
Boca Country Club in Boca Raton FL - Pet Friendly "
Before clicking the link, I looked at it. It looked like something I had written. I looked up the person. It seemed okay, so I clicked on it.
I almost fell over when it opened.
It was a blog post from Active Rain - wait for it - dated February 23, 2010! Almost 15 years ago!!!
A very poorly-written blog post, I might add, but yet and still it came up in google yesterday. Go figure! Enough so, that this guy emailed me.
So the newbies that question, does blogging work? There's your answer. It's like Liz and Bill Spear always say, If you write it, it may not happen today, but it usually will happen.
From that day in CE class back in 2009 when Lou Ludwig first mentioned it, Active Rain has been a big part of my life.
Sure, there are times where I go MIA, but I always come back. Why? Because I love this community.
I'm grateful for the friendships I've made, the knowledge I've gained, the networking, the business and so much more. I'm grateful to know I can pick up a phone, make a call and feel like I know someone forever - someone I've never met in person. And that person is often willing to help me. It's and a great feeling.
Wait! There's more to the story.
This gentleman also needs a commercial agent. I don't do commercial real estate and was unhappy with the last person I recommended. So I asked a friend/coworker who asked someone. And I got a name.
I called this commercial agent, and we were talking. Easy conversation. I was telling him that I had been a court reporter.
He went nuts. His voice got loud. He said, No! Get out of here! Long story short, he had been a court reporter, too! It's very rare to meet another court reporter as there just aren't that many of us. Needless to say, we hit it off big time.
Now, I ask, what are the odds of someone finding my blog post from 2010 in 2024 with AI and meeting another court reporter?
Active Rain.
I owe it all to Active Rain and the incredible people who work there and help us and to the wonderful members that help each other each and every day.
I am so grateful to be part of such a wonderful community of people. Thank you all!