I grew up with all the Disney princesses: Cinderella, Snow White, Aurora, Rapunzel. Of course, as many little girls, I dreamed of being a princess myself. As I grew up I learned that while I couldn't be a "fairy tale" princess, I could be a "real life" princess. I came to realize that being a "real life" princess is about a whole lot more than wearing a crown, living in a castle and having some handsome prince sweep me off my feet. What does it mean to be a princess?
"Behaving like a princess is work. It's not just about looking beautiful or wearing a crown. It's more about how you are inside."
... Julie Andrews
Being a princess is about embodying qualities that inspire and uplift our friends, our families, our clients, our colleagues:
- A princess is kind and shows compassion and care for others.
- A princess is brave and stands strong in the face of challenges.
- A princess is passionate and pursues her dreams with enthusiasm and determination.
- A princess is confident and believes in her worth and abilities.
- A princess is resilient, rising with grace after every setback and growing stronger through life's trials.
- A princess is independent and carves her own path and making decisions with courage and conviction.
- A princess is a leader and inspires others through her actions, vision, and integrity.
- A princess is compassionate, understanding the feelings of others and offering support with a loving heart.
- A princess takes pride in herself, both in how she presents herself to the world.
I like to think that I embody these characteristics. At the end of the day, It's not just about a crown—it's about the strength, grace, and values that shine from within! As Mariah Carey said:
"If you see me as just the princess then you misunderstand who I am and what I have been through."
I know I have many friends in Active Rain who embody these characteristics and are "real life" princesses, themselves. You know who you are!
HAPPY NATIONAL PRINCESS DAY to all my fellow princesses! Today is all about celebrating the royalty in you! May your day be filled with sparkle, grace, and a touch of magic. You princesses shines not because of a crown, but because of your kindness, courage, independence and confidence. Have a royally fabulous day—you deserve it!
My official princess portrait courtesy of Sharon Tara (herself a "real life" princess!)