So you have done your duty and placed your vote….now what? You GO BACK TO WHAT YOU ARE CALLED TO DO..
You CAN work hard, you CAN be kind, you CAN make a difference. In your family, in your friends, in your world. I have seen a pick up in activity since this election, take advantage of that in your business. Just tend the metaphorical plot of land you have been given and be thankful for that plot. It’s a good life. Go into each day with a song on your lips and joy in your heart. Why? Because Joy is a choice. It is not circumstantial, it is indeed-a choice. So choose Joy. The holiday season is coming up, we have about six (6) weeks left to finish the year strong, let’s GO!!!!
Have an awesome week!
Give us a call today to discuss your commercial finance needs or get started by filling out this form!
Karen Schimpf
(512) 358-1511
P.S. We saw an IMMEDIATE pick-up in activity after the election among those looking to buy businesses and open franchises. We have done a TON of these business-only loans this year. We are an approved correspondent with Non-Bank SBA lenders and that gives us incredible flexibility to do tough SBA loans…we can do them with low scores, we can do them with almost no money out of their pockets, we can do them with no collateral-AND WE DON’T CHARGE POINTS ON THESE LOANS. Every deal is different, but what is not different is the speed of our decisions, we can have approval in 48 hours. So if you know somebody buying a business, looking to start a business, or looking to buy Real Estate for their business, give us a call. We have the lowest rates for the strongest of deals and fast answers and approvals on the toughest of deals. One call does it all. Give me a call today at 512-254-5949 or go her to get started