
OBEY YOUR COMMON SENSE (don't argue this)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

This is a reminder to get hold of yourself and keep it even in the midst of testing and refinement as it applies to all endeavors, efforts, planning and progress. Everything has a beginning, and it is wise to focus on that as it will provide direction as to what is to come and what to do about it. Insight via your common sense is no myth but instead the solution to everything. Without "insight" we will be subject to random forces and eventually failure!


In any catastrophe, shock, upheaval or surprise that visits with us individually or as a whole, one is reminded first to remain calm, not as let's say, a Valium would have you be but so that your common sense driven by insight can help you navigate and seek-out as well as join the cycle at work and to end on a profitable note in your favor. That is what it is designed to do IF you listen & obey


If you disagree with the above statement reverse, it! Go ahead and panic, join the chaos, under or overreact, deny, hesitate and doubt, & see if you like those results? Acting like a ship without a rudder not only gets you no-where but makes you subject to everything coming your way. We have the ability to direct. Do not deny this but instead employ it


Reason and logic are inherent in all humans but not as an intruder but a deliberate gift to help you have more of an abundant life. It helps to navigate the highs and to mitigate the lows producing a steady as she goes, fulfilling & satisfying journey as opposed to being tossed, turned & randomly beaten about IF you listen-up!


Why are we afraid? We are fully equipped to handle anything that comes our way even as it unfolds. Staying in the moment, letting reality speak, and then doing or not doing what is presented works like a charm if you let it. But we have even more gainful tools that we can add to our potential outcomes. 


We must welcome our refining of our given circumstances. Why? They are designed to forge us into something better, more valuable & useful helping us to learn how navigate through & then even rise above all circumstances whatever they are. Fight this & you join the enemy or the opposite of the results we seek.


Imagine a person with a cowardly nature of some sort wanting to be rid of that dynamic for the right reasons. Prayers go up asking for help and deliverance from this unwelcome intruder and finally they are answered! Danger is presented so that we may find courage! There is the moment of truth we asked for! However, we didn't see this coming this way


We know about the often said "be careful what you ask for" and how it has a negative connotation to it. However, why not be deliberate, honest and sincere and do ask but only with the understanding that what comes is the answer and for that, FAITH is needed. Ask for faith and hold on. Growth is not only summoned, but making its way toward you!

WORTHY NOTE: We don't have to cry-out verbally to necessarily ask for something as our hearts & souls cry-out continuously for help & guidance and receive it despite ourselves


If thinking was to the cure-all, then by now mankind would have solved everything. Thus, the answers we are seeking are not found in thought but in revelation or insight and for that one must remain calm, available, humble and trustworthy to receive these gifts. They will come if we do not interfere with them


We are subject to forces that we cannot see around us, within us and they come and go without our awareness as well as make themselves known. What then? If we were put here to be defeated, we would all be gone by now. What does this tell us? We have the ability to prevail & nothing can stop that force at work unless it is YOU & you don't listen


Learn as you go. Life is one big, developing non-stop learning curve of adventure which invites us to explore & participate even prodding us to ask questions, seek answers & rewarding us when we do. This system is self-evident & eternal. We are asked to join it.

WORTHY THINK: a humble gentle drop of water returning to join the mighty sea. Without the sea, the drop evaporates. With the sea, it lives forever

RELAX: All things pleasant and not so much come and go. Learn to use this to make you a person of character and to do what the caterpillar did and does without even knowing that it is doing it and that is to handle and process all that comes your way, best you know how and the end result? A Butterfly awaits! Be that butterfly in waiting

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Sham Reddy CRS
Howard Hanna RE Services, Dayton, OH - Dayton, OH

Thanks for sharing Richie!!! I love this!!!

Learn as you go. Life is one big, developing non-stop learning curve of adventure which invites us to explore & participate even prodding us to ask questions, seek answers & rewarding us when we do. This system is self-evident & eternal. 

Dec 01, 2024 04:12 AM
Richie Alan Naggar

Sham Reddy CRS grace the post thank you dear man

Dec 01, 2024 06:14 AM