I attended a prep school reunion last night and I caught up with two classmates that are highly successful traders (based in London...THE UK)! They were discussing the history of the stock market and I listened attentively...BUT they had the beginning of trading later in history than it actually was!! Both of them!!
SO ...I decided to post about the real history of the stock market!!
Many opine that the start to trading was in Netherlands...the tulip bulb story. I will get to that in a moment. In the early 14th century.....just after the demise of most of the Knights Templar (some perspective), the Van Der Beurse family from Burges Belgium (great town..I visited in July) created the first over the counter market system. It was the first known platform for trading..buyers and sellers hawking their wares. We are all familiar with the term "bourse" and it translates as "stock market". In this early form of trading, buyers could purchase stock in the sellers' wares or company. Naturally , there were not many buyers and sellers but it was nonetheless, the first trading platform!
I visited the Bourse building in Philadelphia many times and I never know that the term had its origins from a Belgian family and stock trading!!
History of stock trading part II coming up shortly!!