There is always so much to be thankful for and I posted three already. My fourth was a bit of a conundrum because it is something to be thankful for and a curse at the same time. TECHNOLOGY.
I recall as a lad working in my dad's law firm when the fax became a useful tool. To me, this was the first real ground breaking technology. Few people realize that in order to receive a fax, you had to be on the same system as the receiver!! I believe that it was Sony or Phillips that realized that there had to be ONE system for all fax transmissions (not the old school term facsimile transmissions).
This great technology was well received and started the onslaught of many technologies: smart phones, scanning, advanced laptops, the internet - all of teh technology that makes our personal and business lives easier. Or do they?
As a result of all of the technology, people (clients, customers) want information NOW!! No more "it's in the mail"...NOW. This of course means that technology is both good and bad.
I am grateful for technology and I grew up professionally in a technology environment. My older brother was a pioneer at Apple Labs for example. Apple Labs catapulted into relevance with the Apple 2(e) in about 1979. The technologist who created the technology had a real name of "Captain Crunch". Yup, he changed his name. I also met another gentleman at IBM whose legal name is "Father Time" so tech has its characters!!
So tech is something I am grateful for....I have derived a good living from it and as long as we utilize it for our benefit, there is no problem. Conversely, if we allow it to take over control of our lives, it can be a bad thing!!
Still recovering from pumpkin and pecan pies, 9whatever happened to Shoo Fly Pies?)