Good afternoon and hello there from Tim again in Cottage Grove, MN. Hope this emails finds you doing well, had a good weekend and a fantastic Thanksgiving celebration. Wanted to share Tim's Time outs again.
1) Stop comparing. STAY focused on you.
2) Relax. Go with the flow and don't stress the little things.
3) Love yourself. You are a gift. Nothing would be the same if you didn't exist.
4) Do what you love...Life is TOO short to waste your time doing anything otherwise.
Some thoughts:
* Success is an attitude. We should daily maintain the right kind of attitude to have the success we expect in life.
* Live in the moment. We cannot do anything about the yesterdays, except learn from them. We cannot do anything about the future except prepare for it. The key is to live in the NOW! Count your blessings! Take the time to jot down your blessings in a little book that you can take with you everywhere you go. If you encounter rejection or frustration, pull out your book and count your blessings.
* Give of yourself, give of your time. NEVER forget our children spell love T-I-M-E! We should give our children every possible moment of our time. This is when we can teach, share, encourage, correct, and love.
* Take negatives and TURN them into positives. Be creative and innovative and shift your thinking, taking the word "problem" out of your vocabulary. Replace it with the word "challenge". From now on, see every difficulty as a challenge to be overcome.
* Pay it forward. There's a great movie by that name. If you have not see it, you should. We will never know how many people we touch when we contribute to society in this way.
May your day and week be filled with a GREAT attitude, much success, and many blessings.
All the best,