Yesterday the DIRT ROAD REAL ESTATE work family, met out on the west side of Oatman, AZ on old Route 66 to participate in an annual Oatman Christmas event. Each Christmas holiday season, individuals and small businesses are encouraged to decorate a tree or bush with Christmas decorations. The registration funds are designated to feed the wild burros (donkeys).
For those not familiar with Oatman, AZ, this old , historic mining town has numerous wild burros, will actually tamed burros, that freely roam the streets and sidewalk. These burros today are the descendants from the original burros the miners brought in the 1800's.
Each entry is judged, and the winner is acknowledged.
I believe the efforts of the DIRT ROAD REAL ESTATE work family showed creativity as well as a uniqueness. There were approximately 20 plus bushes already decorated along old Route 66. One bush was decorated with American flags. The color theme usually was red an silver.
DIRT ROAD REAL ESTATE already are making plans for 2025 Christmas holiday and have selected a theme including colors.
How often do we fail to see local events that support charities because we are too busy with our own real estate practices, our holiday to do lists, etc.?
Taking time to smell the roses or in this case decorate a high desert bush as well as pet the burros is well worth the effort.
Leanne M Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent Who Goes the Extra Mile Because Life Begins Where the Pavement Ends.
Feature Photo Courtesy of Leanne M Smith
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