In my last post, $1,000/week on Etsy, my new Side Hustle, I shared how I've been earning over $4,000/month on Etsy with digital products.
I did this 6 months in a row (so it wasn't a fluke). And, last month, I earned over $6,000 and this month is shaping up to be over $5K (we'll see where it actually ends up.
I forgot to mention that you can get your 1st 40 listings on Etsy Free with this link, but you must click it BEFORE you start your shop. (This is an affiliate link, so when you get 40 free listings, I also get 40 free listings).
That is Etsy's rule, and how do I know? Because I was stupid enough to not realize I could have gotten 40 listings free until after I started, and by then it was too late.
Learn from my mistake and click that now.
And, if you'd like a super helpful guide on getting your shop set up, take my FREE Start Your Etsy shop challenge here.
I only make digital products, so there is no investment or time in raw materials, inventory, shipping or anything like that. I work on it when I have time and put it down when I don't.
Above is my progress so far this month (as of the morning of December 14th). The numbers look down today as it's only around 10:30 AM. (I expect things to slow when we get closer to Christmas).
Also, in full transparency, my conversion rate is not usually 8%. For the full year, it's 4.9%.
I create games, trackers, forms, handprint crafts - whatever interests me. You can do the same.
If you'd like more info on my results, click on the blog post linked at the top of the results.
It's a nice side hustle. And, it's fun and cathartic.