Yesterday I returned from a five day trip (to meet our builder at our new home, lunch with an Annapolis classmate, and then a few days with my parents).
As soon as I stepped in the door, the Chihuahuas were happy to see me, as a friend noted, a cacophony of Chihuahua barks and yips and a crowd at my feet asking to be petted. They let me know I was in the right place!
While ActiveRain isn't populated with furry yippers, it's a place that you can leave and come back to, and be welcomed upon your return!
There are many reasons to take a sabbatical from the Rain:
1. Blogging brought you so much business that you didn't have time for the Rain
2. Your spouse repeatedly stating "you're on ActiveRain AGAIN??"
3. Life demands (family changes, health, etc.)
4. The thought that you could live without the community...and got the shakes and had to come back :)
Part of the beauty of this community is we can each pick our own path. Sometimes that path means taking a break, sometimes short, sometimes for years, but no matter the length of the break, you know there will a "Welcome back!" ready for you.
Yippppp, yippp, yipppppp! :)
Until next Tuesday, just Ask An Ambassador if you need help,
Bill & Liz aka BLiz
Merry Christmas!