Merry Christmas To All My ActiveRain Friends In 2024
Today is Christmas, and Christmas has always been a day my wife and I have spent with our two sons, but now that my sons no longer live in CT we have had to get a little creative in celebrating Christmas.
My youngest son and his wife now live in Manassas, VA. and drove to CT Monday. They alternate Christmas Eve and Christmas between us, and his wife's parents. This year is our year for Christmas Eve. So yesterday we had our traditional Christmas or Christmas Eve meal with them of stuffed jumbo shrimp, filet mignon, and twice baked potatoes.
After our meal we FaceTimed with my oldest son, and my gorgeous granddaughter, Elizabeth who live in Bonney Lake, WA. While FaceTiming we opened Christmas present we sent each other. This is not the same as all of us being together, but it is still special in a different way.
Here in ActiveRain we also have a different kind of relationship, but in many ways it is also a family in its own special way. So I would like to take this time to say thank you to all of you for your support during this past year. This continued to be a challenging year in many ways, but here on this site we still managed to make it a special year no matter what. ActiveRain is a special community because all of you have made it so.
So in this time and season of joy, I want to say thank you for your friendship, and making me feeling like a part of your lives. I hope that I have made you feel the same.
I hope this Christmas is a very joyful and special one.
Merry Christmas To All My ActiveRain Friends In 2024.