I just completed a deal with a very patient listing agent. We had a delayed settlement of 8 days. Not once did he raise his voice or get annoyed. I have had those agents on the other side of a transaction and they do not help. He actually said to me, I know you are working at this and doing your best, it is out of our hands so let's hope it just moves along and we settle soon. His patience encouraged me to not give up, when I was so frustrated with the pace of the lender. It reminded me of a story about going with the flow, not trying to swim upriver or against the tide, but to be like the turtle who uses the tide to get where they want to go.
Every day we were communicating, about the hope of when we could settle. As last minute requests from the lender on the West Coast made after business hours on the East Coast would create a day or more of delays, with the Christmas Holidays thrown in things were only more complicated.
Well, yesterday we at last had settlement. I called Moses Koyan mid morning to let him know all the funds were in. We were going to settlement, at last.
I met my client for the walk through, and we discovered a yard filled with trash that had been promised to be removed. At the settlement table I showed him a photo and he shook his head, apologized and said he would be there Monday with a contractor to remove everything, would that be OK. My buyer was satisfied and we moved forward signing paperwork.
As I drove home I got a phone call with a thank you from Moses for bringing him a good buyer, that doesn't happen that often and was a lesson for me to learn going forward when I have a listing.
A nice way to end the year, now time to concentrate on the 2025 business plan and start working towards those 2025 goals.
If you have plans to purchase of sell real estate along the Main Line or in Chester County call Nick Vandekar, Realty ONE Group Advocates and let's meet to discuss your goals for 2025 and how we can give you the confidence to make the right decisions throughout the transaction. Office 484-237-2055, cell or text 610-203-4543, email Nick@VandekarTeam.com