
2025 Affirmations

Real Estate Agent with RG Realty Group
Good afternoon and hello there from Tim again.  Hope this email finds you doing well and had a wonderful weekend.  Wanted to wish you a early Happy New Year wish. may 2025 be filled with success, happiness, and prosperous for you and your family, and to share Tim's Time Outs...the last one of 2024.  
Keep positive.
Be kind to others and family,
Have a above average positive attitude.
Laugh more.
Listen more to others.
Welcome and be kind to strangers.
Brighten the heart of a child.
Encourage the young,
Be gentle.
Keep a promise.
Seek out a forgotten friend.
Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth.
Speak your love.
Speak it once again!
Happiness to keep you sweet;
Trials to keep you strong;
Sorrow to keep you human;
Hope to keep you happy;
Failure to keep you humble;
Success to keep you eager;
Friends to give you comfort;
Wealth to meet your needs;
Enthusiasm to look forward;
Faith to banish depression;
Determination to make each day;
BETTER than yesterday!~Bop P.
Wishing you and your family a early Happy New Year and a wonderful day and week.  
All the best,
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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Tim - if these affirmations are regularly put into practice, each of us would be in a better place.  Here's to a positive 2025.  

Dec 31, 2024 02:54 AM