Winterizing pools. A fact of life for Las Vegas. With winter upon us, the days are shorter, the temps are dropping. And the comfort of staying indoors is calling. So, as we prepare our homes for winter, we must not neglect our pools. They are a key part of our outdoor spaces. Winterizing your pool may not be the most exciting task. But, it will save you time, money, and headaches next summer.
Winterizing Pools - Protect Your Pool from Freezing Temperatures
We all love a winter wonderland. But freezing temperatures can ruin an unprotected pool. When water freezes, it expands. And this can damage your pool's pipes, plumbing, and equipment. Therefore, winterizing your pool will keep it safe during the cold season.
Related: Awnings For a Cool Result
Save Money on Pool Maintenance
Let’s face it, maintaining a pool can be quite an investment. Winterizing your pool can prevent costly repairs from freezing and thawing. Draining the water below the skimmer, adding antifreeze, and covering the pool will shield it from damage. This will avoid costly repairs in the spring.
Winterizing Pools - Simplify Spring Opening
Winterizing your pool protects it in the cold months. Also, it also makes it easier to reopen in spring. A proper pool closing reduces cleaning and chemical balancing. In addition, (click here to read more)