Every year before Christmas. decorations go up and then after the holiday season is over, the decorations come down. Some are put away for next year and some are repurposed for continued use but not as decorations. One such large example of re-purposing is the large Rockefeller Center Christmas trees.
I was amazed to find out this information for the first time during this holiday season.
What I found out from a few sources is that ever since 2007, large Norway Spruce Pines are cut, delivered to NYC and decorated for the holiday season at the Rockefeller Center in NYC. Then once the holiday season is over the trees are taken to a mill and the wood is milled to be used by Habitat for Humanity, usually in the state where the tree originated. Since Norway Spruces are a softer pine, they are used for trimming, making furniture, flooring and such in the houses built by volunteers. This wood is not suitable for structural use.
Each house that received this wood has a burned stamp on a piece of wood inside the house to document the year the tree was used at the Center in NYC.
To me this is such a wonderful expression of giving all the way from the choice of using a tree for enjoyment in NYC during the holiday season, to helping families in need gain affordable housing by using the wood from a fully grown tree.
If you want to know more details, please read the attached links.
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Happy New Year!