Greetings, Barbara!!
It is time to clean up, get rid of, look again, wonder where this stuff came from, drag out, sift through and be amazed at the pile of items. That is what I was doing. Two bottom dresser drawers had not been touched in many years. Where did all these lovely ladies vintage hankerchiefs come from? What about all these old scarves from the 50's, 60's, 70's and even further back?
Remember women's slips? Back when we had to wear dresses.....Gloves? Back when we had to wear gloves with the dresses.....Panty hose? Back before ladies just quit wearing hose at all.... Here's a glimpse of the drawers.
This is after I had dragged things out trying to organize for about an hour. There was even an old hankerchief from China, nestled on a piece of paper and tied there with strings and never used.
I know I never had that thing so where did it come from? And then, as if to cheer me on was the Barbara hankerchief at the bottom of a drawer! No! I don't remember ever having it!! But it did help and amaze me!
Thanks to whoever placed it there!!