
UNCLEAN HANDS (is life dirt on you)?

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Did you make a buck or did the buck make you? I have seen people stop at nothing to make something-anything happen. I like drive, commitment, focus, and even tenacity but not when you employ unethical tactics or dark behavior. You not only lose me, but you have lost yourself in the process too

Wash Hands Before Suing | New York Business Divorce


In a court of law, unclean hands means you have a bad faith problem or acted unethically. You may have a point or two on whatever your complaint or lawsuit is, but if they find "unclean hands", it diminishes your position considerably and will be argued so. Dirty hands say you acted unethically and in bad faith. You could lose your position or case. This applies to everything OUTSIDE of courtrooms too


It starts out innocently enough. The white lie is not anything that scares people & it can be used readily. It is accessible and easy to employ. But, by doing so, you just crossed over into another set of dynamics with a different ruler; one that demands quite a bit for such a little thing. YOU win but you lose but are high on the win. Truth mixed with lies. Sounds diabolical. Distinctly: dark forces roaming around

WORTHY NOTE: winning at all costs sets the rules for the dark forces too


There is a way to go about your business that has you and everything you do pass the light-right test. Your conscience is clean. Knocks on your inner/outer door mean nothing to you accept a neighbor coming to share or something passing by. Letters in the mail are not intimidating, and phone calls hold no surprises. You are CLEAN thus nothing can stain you. The power of God's good always prevails. 


The minute you nibble on the white lie/opportunity/short-cut bait or the taking of something that is not yours, or employing dark means, the toxic bread trail has begun to lead you to the one who births these illusions, lies, deceits, and impersonations: the father of all lies and you are now going to become fast friends PLUS you will get "hands-on" training in deceit by the prince of darkness no less. 


If you had to trick, lie, deceive, manipulate or take unfair, questionable advantage of anyone, you may/will succeed. Fool your spouse, friends, parents, neighbors, strangers & people at work & at large, but a strange, mandatory dynamic takes place: you suddenly & subtly change into a fool, lose character become a less of a person. We are just getting started. You become a slave to darkness & shadows.

WORTHY NOTE: unclean hands in the spirit is SIN. Some sin leads to death. Visualize a dirty soul. Woe


Check those hands and wash watch them carefully and while you are at it check your heart too! Let them not be found wanting for good conduct, motives, and deeds. If they are, something unholy has entered the holy place i.e. your soul. Be very frightened of this intrusion & ungodly spirit at work IN YOU. Death stalks


The conflicts, guilt, being cut-off from God & being enslaved by a foreign power weighs down a human being in ways you cannot imagine. It is imprisonment in a dark, windowless cell within the self. It so bad that you now employ sedation to it

HERE'S THE "unclean hands" SCORE CARD

1. You will become very good at excuses, denial & explanations + accusations too

2. You will enter the world of excesses i.e. ways to buy time-out from inner pain

3. Drinking, drugs, sex, more deceit, lies & all wrongdoing will comfort you? 

4. Common sense, logic, reasoning & intuition has fled you. People will too


Repentance which means to change in the Greek. Realize what you have done. Be sorry for it. Don't do it again & a wonderous, miraculous event takes place i.e. GOD, in HIS grace & unfathomable ways & being, at HIS discretion, forgives you. A fresh start is given. Darkness is chased away & your "hands" are clean once again


There may be a price to pay after all the wronged parties have rights too. Accept this as part of the price of forgiveness & suffer it quietly & respectfully. But know this: You are back on the right track with another chance to succeed & progress. What can be said except THANK GOD