Homestead Exemption in Texas
It's that time of year! A new year has just begun. If you are a homeowner in Texas, it is that time of year to think about making sure you have filed your homestead exemption on your home.
The homestead exemption is for all homeowners in Texas who have recently purchased a home or purchased a home in the past who have not filed. If you already have a homestead exemption on your home, then you don't have to file again. Once it is on there, it is there until you take it off. You can only have one property as your homestead and that is the one where you live. I am not sure 100% of when you can file, but the best bet is to file between January and the end of March in order to make sure the exemption is given to you when your property tax bill comes out in October.
This exemption will reduce your property tax, so you want to not only file the exemption form, but also make sure that the county appraisal district has your exemption on file at their office.
I recommend dropping the form off in person, have them stamp that they have received, and then keep a copy for your records. Sometimes the appraisal district gets busy, or the form might be misplaced. In this case, you would not receive the exemption and it is something you want to make sure you have. This reduces the amount you pay for property taxes. I don't know about you, but I would rather pay a lower property tax than a higher one.
I hope this information helps. If you have questions or need additional information on where to get the form, please do not hesitate to give me a call, send me an email or text. I will be happy to provide you with that information.
Again, if you purchased a home in the past year in Texas, make sure you file for your homestead exemption. The form can be found on the county appraisal district website in the county you purchased your home. This would also be where you would file for disability exemptions, or if you are a veteran with 100% disability, then you do not pay any property taxes in the state of Texas so you definitely want to make sure the form is filed.