
THE CAN DO in CANDOR (this will open doors)

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

Candor remains of the highest value and when introduced by human beings dominates the circumstances, becomes the focus and lights the way so that all benefit and prosper from the hearing and the doing of it. It is not rare or uncommon, yet it is simple and carefree and answers to its own dynamics and principals. You practice this & what you can expect is EVERYTHING!

CANDOR defined

The quality of being open and honest, frankness, sincerity, candidness, unreserved, sincere and real expression, forthrightness, impartiality, obsolete purity or brightness are the many definitions that welcome this word like trumpets announcing the arrival of a king. What a beautiful word and if it was a vitamin or a mineral, it would be packed with nutrients and nourishment galore!


To see someone speaking with this eloquence is so refreshing and sparse while effective and coveted. It is not a selfish word or act, yet it remains long after many other subjects are introduced. People like this demeanor, they like hearing it, being around it & being affected by it and here is something very compelling that even elevates its value into the world of being priceless


It cannot be duplicated, imitated, substituted forged, manipulated or used to deceive, beguile or confuse. It is word that opens the doors to the human heart and leaving in its wake much good from its coming and going. It stands for what it is: a non-negotiable type of beam of light into a dark corner. Darkness fears this


Let's do the RRR or Richie Reverse Rule to test it. Try not being open, honest, frank, readable & friendly & see how your life goes. Watch people in your world keep their distance. Now, apply candor! A path will be beaten to your door. Simple as that


For those of you starting out, get into this subject so it can get into you. For those already out there, this is a master key that unlocks doors & for those who are advanced in living, this is like a warm blanket on a chilly night. You can't lose


Hey, here comes that guy who is open & honest, friendly & always has something interesting to say. Instead of you going toward them, be surprised when they gravitate toward you, include you & speak well of you. Why? Full of candor is why


There is no OFF switch for life. You are always on until that big OFF switch visits. Candor, when applied, attracts it's like kind. Charm, passion, kindness, likability, refreshing, forthrightness & too many to list. What takes place, over time, is your character transforms & your identity is revealed. All good follows with no effo 


I am sincere in speech & expression. People don't have to guess about me

Candor....yes to this word and may more of it be found in the high and the low places of your inner & outer being

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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Richie - a ponder-worthy topic.  And when that may presuppose a particular way of possible paths. . .   Likely and perhaps, ongoing.  

Jan 08, 2025 01:38 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

My intellectual friend Michael Jacobs ...the whole thing can be boiled down to just letting the little boy or girl within us out to play. Simple Simon?

Jan 09, 2025 07:24 AM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Hi Richie- in my life there have been people I did not care for and yet, I would rather be around them because I knew where they were coming from, than someone whose words I could not trust. 

Jan 08, 2025 06:46 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

Kathy Streib ...your decent commenting stands thank you

Jan 09, 2025 07:22 AM
Jeff Masich-Scottsdale AZ Associate Broker,MBA,GRI
HomeSmart Real Estate - Scottsdale, AZ
Arizona Homes and Land Group/ Buy or Sell

YES SIR! And the CON DO in CONDO means beware of CON MEN that will try to DO you harm as they try to steal your title. Watch out!

Jan 08, 2025 09:14 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

Jeff Masich-Scottsdale AZ Associate Broker,MBA,GRI us a "watch out" alert thank you Jeff

Jan 09, 2025 07:21 AM