
We Should ALL Be Mad As Hell

Industry Observer 0506509

As the world watches the horrors of L.A. burning, this apocalyptic tragedy has a domino effect on all Insurance Policyholders who most likely will have astronomical premium rates increased or cancelled due to negligence by California leadership. Policy holders to be impacted include you, me, and the people in the State of California. Higher home insurance premiums will have a significant impact on all first-time home buyers. We should all be mad as hell. 

Although hearts are breaking and many shed tears for loved ones impacted directly, or for those who worship celebrities, we all end up paying even higher premiums, even if we don't live in California. Is it just a matter of time before you are mad as hell?


When it comes to Leadership and Accountability, there is a lot of blame to go around, including theories, moral choices, and bad decisions by leaders. Lawyers, gold diggers, and scammers will be busy for a very long time.  Consumers beware! If there should be insurance claims paid, how long will people have to wait? Human life isn't the only thing at stake here. Economic growth and environmental ethics also need to be taken into consideration. 


As the world turns, and days go by, so will finger pointing. I can't even imagine the cost of billable legal hours. The loss of human life tugs at the hearts of those with conscious. Sadly, there are some people who have no conscious. Talking the talk and walking the talk are completely different. As we willfully watch in horror via the media L.A. burning, the environment, including air quality, animal species, plants, and trees are also in danger. Some may argue, the only way to address the environmental crisis is to change our values and lifestyles. Political superiority over humans and nature was never part of the plan for the U.S. Constitution. Doesn't every change need to begin at the top of leadership?   


People talk about climate change. Perhaps now is the time, to pause the talking points about the climate and focus on leadership change and to enforce consequences for accountability and proven negligence. 


Author: Patricia Feager

Posted by

Patricia Feager


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Scott Schulte
Scott Schulte LLC - Phoenix, AZ

It leaves a poignant question lingering: will they finally hear what Mother Nature is trying to tell them?

Jan 11, 2025 11:04 AM
Patricia Feager

Scott Schulte - even young and older boy and girl scouts know about forest fires and brush fires, including caring for the environment. Families who take (took) camping trips know better than to mess with Mother Nature. I was a volunteer who worked for Grant Woods in IL and knew about brush cleaning and planned burning, including how to care for the Forest. Everything we did went by the book as written in the State of Illinois signed by the Govenor. 

To quote Daffy Duck "It's despicable!' 

Jan 11, 2025 11:18 AM
Reputable Realty - Apple Valley, CA
...Marketing your home like no one else will.

Yup, sad, and mad.   This was just over the top toomuch.

Jan 11, 2025 11:50 AM
Patricia Feager

KAREN SANCHEZ - You have every right to be sad and mad. There will be long-term consequences, degradation, and significant impact on everyone.  

Jan 11, 2025 12:26 PM
Lew Corcoran
Better Living Real Estate, LLC - East Bridgewater, MA
Expert guidance. Exceptional results.

Hi, Patricia Feager, you’ve hit the nail on the head! Your insights shine a light on the urgent need for accountability, and I can't thank you enough for sharing your thoughts—this is a conversation we all need to be having.

Jan 11, 2025 12:00 PM
Patricia Feager

Lew Corcoran - your comment gave me great satisfaction to be heard. I needed to get that off my chest because we have to stay focused on what is at stake for us and what is at the heart of this insane thinking done by the wrong people in leadership. Accountability can't come soon enough. What we face now are very serious problems that the right people in authority must struggle to make things right - justice for all!!! 

Perhaps starting with banning current leaders from vacationing or traveling out of the country while this problem is ongoing.  

Jan 11, 2025 12:34 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Patricia it was well known that this would happen if steps were not taken to prevent it.  Precautions like controlled burns have not been done, because environmentalist have prevented them from being done.  They claimed these controlled burns would be damaging to the environment.  So now they have these out of control wild fires which are far more damaging to the environment.  Time to elect people who will stop listening to the people who claim to have the environment, but whose actions actually cause more harm and destruction than good.

Jan 11, 2025 12:09 PM
Patricia Feager

George Souto - there is a lot of division within the environmentalist too. What damage control can we expect? Is it too late? The actions thus far have caused more harm and destruction and nothing good came about as a result of asinine decision-making. Human rights are so much more than about race or gender.  

Jan 11, 2025 12:39 PM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Amen Patricia Feager ,

Time to elect people who care about and do what is best for their residents. It isn't a surprise this has happened (and I hate that it has) but by not taking precautions the unintended consequences have reared their ugly heads. Now TAKE RESPONSIBILITY and make smart decisions!

Jan 11, 2025 12:36 PM
Patricia Feager

Dorie Dillard Austin TX - unfortunately, political realities have changed but voters keep voting for the same parties without knowing that the incumbent doesn't match the same values. Or doesn't care about the voters, nor do they listen. 

P.S. I could hear in your tone, you're also mad as hell!!!

Jan 11, 2025 01:14 PM
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Home Stager/Redesign

Patricia- you've expressed what many of us are feeling and you did so eloquently. When we lived in FL it was difficult to get flood or other insurance related to hurricane damage. If I remember there was only one company offering it. 

People have been scared to say what they feel for being labeled by others. We have sacrificed the wellness and health of many to what...being politically correct???

Jan 11, 2025 01:04 PM
Patricia Feager

Kathy Streib - There is no good reason for anyone to intentionally allow the destruction of the beauty and the integrity of the earth on the West Coast to vanish without having resources in place for firefighters or worse - WATER!

Smelt fish don't stimulate the economy. Smelt fish do not go to children's schools. Smelt fish don't pay taxes. Smelt fish don't shop. Smelt fish to teach. Smelt fish don't care about the forest and the trees!!! 

We are HUMANS! We cannot allow to be fearful of being politically correct when it isn't correct. 

Jan 11, 2025 01:19 PM
Lynnea Miller
Bend Premier Real Estate - Bend, OR
Premier Real Estate Service in Central Oregon

Hi Patricia-

Those of us on the west coast know how insurance companies are pulling out based on claims in our area. This is tied in with lack of forest management which is also tied in with environmentalists who "won" to shut the forests down to logging. In our area, we have experienced chocking smoke every summer for the past few years (never seen when we logged our forests) as lightning and human caused forest fires burn. And our insurance premiums are going up and up as a result. And some insurers are canceling altogether. State Farm canceled my home!

Jan 11, 2025 01:19 PM
Patricia Feager

Lynnea Miller

I'm so sorry to hear about what you're going through. There needs to be an investigation into the Insurance Industry. Thank you for sharing another serious problem on the west coast with reasons why insurance companies are pulling out along with all the ties pulled together because of the domino effect with the environmentalists. Oh my gosh, this is news I don't get on my local channels. How long has this been going on? To have your home insurance cancelled through no fault of your own sounds a bit shady to me. 

Lack of forest management is a bigger problem in Oregon than I ever knew before until now. I can’t imagine how many people have asthma and have, had, or will have lung cancer or other health related issues because of the choking sensation from forest smoke these last few years. When your forests were logged, people had jobs and there was good management. It must have been a lovely time to live there but now, your lives could be in danger and your home insurance is cancelled by a big-name insurance company. Something isn’t right. People really need to read those new policies being offers as the only choice. I smell something fishy, and it’s not smelt.

Jan 11, 2025 01:45 PM
Beth Atalay
Cam Realty and Property Management - Clermont, FL
Cam Realty of Clermont FL

Patricia Feager, I feel the same way, you have verbalized my thoughts. It is not acceptable not to have water for the firefighters. Too late for the change of the leadership, the damage has been done at the expense of thousands of people. My heart breaks!

Jan 11, 2025 01:26 PM
Patricia Feager

Beth Atalay - Clearly, this is a severe humanities crisis. No one should have fire hydrants without water. How would people know there is no water? It was impossible to contain fires! This makes me so angry and I'm wondering if those who do have water in other states in their hydrants if they are being flushed to remove the calcium deposits? 

As you stated, the damage has been done. When someone takes leadership positions for a State or city like L.A., there has to be accountability for the functions to run a place established for the residents including functionality and livability taking into consideration, emergency preparedness, population, needs, resources, knowledge, moral beliefs, annual reviews, reality, and consequences.

Jan 11, 2025 01:56 PM
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Patricia - tragedy, natural and otherwise, can happen to any of us.  Although I can't recall the most minute details, it occurred for you and many other Texans a few winters ago.   Finger-pointing is a reaction as is taking in the bigger picture.  Kindness in thought and deed is not difficult.  Hmm. . .yes, I am pondering about that.  And so much more.  

Jan 12, 2025 04:41 AM
Patricia Feager

Michael Jacobs - Thanks for remembering about the Texas Ice Storm. The date and year were in February 2021. I wrote about TX Ice Storms in this morning's blog post, Fire & Ice Part 11, mentioning that freaky ice storm, and the day I nearly died. 

Somehow, I believe the stories about what's happening in California will never die. We will be hearing further details for quite some time. 


Jan 12, 2025 06:23 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker
Coldwell Banker Realty - Charlotte, NC
Your Greater Charlotte Real Estate Broker

You are so right, Patricia. Everyone should be angry. But that being said, some of those who appear to be the angriest are also the ones who have voted for the bad leadership for decades. They need to be angry at themselves, too.

Jan 12, 2025 06:10 AM
Patricia Feager

Nina Hollander, Broker - I have people I know who work in the insurance industry. Nation-wide, many major companies will be cancelling policies, making changes to people who have insurance, and good luck to people who want to buy a new house who may be able to buy a house, but not the insurance. We can expect more to come. 


Jan 12, 2025 06:26 AM
Nina Hollander, Broker

Patricia Feager hi Patricia, once the government started interfering with the insurance free market, it was a matter of time before insurance companies would pull out. They are not charities.

Jan 12, 2025 06:28 AM