
Fire & Ice Part 11

Industry Observer 0506509

This is Part 11 of Fire & Ice published on ActiveRain on January 9, 2025.

Air is what draws the singing fire spreading flames of destruction whether the weather is winter or not. In freezing cold temperatures air pressure continues to build causing the breaks in ice crackling in near or below zero temperatures. The warning signs broadcast from local media is never to be ignored during cataclysms of raging fires out of control, drought, severe ice storms, flood, tornado, or hurricanes. No matter how fast you run, you can't outrun the wind from severe freezing or raging fires. 



Ice in not nice on tires or roads. Here in Texas, black ice is the most dangerous roads to attempt to drive on because the roads look shiny black and inexperienced drivers or people in a hurry driving too fast for weather conditions cause multiple pileups or danger to other people and/or their property. 



One of the most dangerous weather conditions is black ice because you can't see the ice on black roads. Black ice is invisible to the naked eye and causes more accidents and unexpected crashes, especially on bridges. From snow to sleet, to freezing rain, drivers can't predict the weather. Just a small amount of drizzle in freezing weather can cause black ice. Driving at night is most dangerous especially when there are oncoming cars with headlights or passing streetlights. Drivers may not even see the ice below their tires. Not all tires were made for snow or ice. Tire company's sell all-season tires but winter tires will slide on ice. No matter where you buy your tires or what type they are, do you want to risk your life or other people's lives betting on tires or driving on black ice? Even if you do purchase all-season tires, traveling too fast or trying to pass is very risky It doesn't take much before the driver is out of control.

Hands or feet with frostbite are extremely dangerous. I grew up in Chicago walking to school both grade and High School. During elementary school days I forgot my gloves and kept switching the school bag between right and left hands with one hand in the pocket. By the time I got to school I had frostbite. When the body constricts the blood to try to keep the hands and fingers warm the skin begins to form ice crystals under the skin. When I took my coat off, I felt the pain in my hands and saw my left hand was pale grey and swollen. The teacher took me to the rest room and told me to hold my hand under the warm water. The school nurse called my mother to say I had frostbite.

There were no school buses or regular buses to take me to school where I lived in Chicago. Other people walked (many long distance) to catch the bus who depended on public transportation. My uncle was one of the unlucky ones who waited too long because the bus was late due to snow and ice. He ended up with frostbite toes and had his toes amputated.   

People don't think there are dangerous ice storms in Texas, but occasionally it does happen. The worst ice storm I experienced along with many other Texans was the Ice Storm from February 11 - 20, 2021. I went to sleep on the evening of February 10th and woke up about 2 a.m. I did not know if I was dreaming or dead because it felt like I was lying on a concrete block of ice. I had a mattress with gel inside that was designed to keep you warm in winter and cool in summer. There were no warnings on the tags about not good for temperatures below freezing. The mattress froze. What I experienced was a real nightmare and I was glad to awake, or I would have frozen to death. Also, during the entire duration of the ice storm, my electric power went out which caused the temperature in the house to go below the limit on the register. When the electricity goes out in a house that is all electric, you have no electric kitchen stove, lights, furnace, charging devices, and even the electric garage door does not open. Many people cannot afford generators and generators weren't even known to most people in 2021. I still can't afford a generator. 

It really does pay to pay attention to weather alerts. Safety alerts and warnings and common sense can save a life, including your own. 

Posted by

Patricia Feager


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Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Pasadena And Southern California 818.516.4393

Hello Patricia - the usual as the rare can get jumbled at times.  Does such untidiness describe or define us?  And is that a rhetorical question?  

Jan 12, 2025 06:39 AM
Patricia Feager

Michael Jacobs - it sounds like you're pondering and will be inspired to write something soon. 

Happy Sunday!

Jan 12, 2025 06:42 AM
Michael Jacobs

Patricia Feager - pondering never stops, but not all finds it way to posts.  

Jan 12, 2025 06:47 AM
Wayne Martin
Wayne M Martin - Oswego, IL
Real Estate Broker - Retired

Good morning Patricia. Junior High School was 7 blocks away. It was very cold one year  in the early 50's and close to frostbite is as close as I got. Still remember those days and a chill goes up and down my spine. Enjoy your day.

Jan 12, 2025 08:00 AM
Patricia Feager

Wayne Martin - grade school for me was 9 block and High School was about twice as long. Most kids had to walk. We were the kids you built up resilience! I don't recall ever being late to school either. 

My left hand is a reminder every time the weather gets to freezing even now. It's the coldest part of my body. 

I hope your day goes well!

Jan 12, 2025 08:09 AM
Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

I do not miss this weather.  Been out here in the Desert 23 years.  Would much rather deal with the heat than the cold, Great information. Thanks for sharing, enjoy your weekend. Bill

Bill Salvatore Arizona Elite Properties.


Jan 12, 2025 08:10 AM
Patricia Feager

Bill Salvatore - East Valley - Live and be joyful in the Desert and in all your travels. 

Jan 12, 2025 06:19 PM
Roy Kelley
Retired - Gaithersburg, MD

We had more snow on Saturday morning and have experienced an icy week in Maryland. It is up to 36 degrees this afternoon and some melting is taking place.

Take care and be safe when you have winter weather conditions.

Jan 12, 2025 09:19 AM
Patricia Feager

Roy Kelley - Stay safe, cozy, and warm. 36 degrees must feel like a heat wave!

Jan 12, 2025 06:20 PM
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Coldwell Banker Realty ~ 512.750.6899 - Austin, TX
NW Austin ~ Canyon Creek and Spicewood/Balcones

Good morning Patricia,

Weather alerts are so important to listen too and make sure we can exercise our common sense in responding!

Jan 12, 2025 12:28 PM
Patricia Feager

Dorie Dillard Austin TX -

Sometimes it takes courage to follow common sense. Sometimes we need to follow the advice of others to meet our survival and other needs. 

Jan 12, 2025 06:25 PM
Lew Corcoran
Better Living Real Estate, LLC - East Bridgewater, MA
Expert guidance. Exceptional results.

Thanks for sharing such a compelling piece, Patricia Feager! Your insights on the dangers of weather conditions, especially black ice, really hit home—it's a timely reminder to stay alert and prioritize safety when we're on the road.

Jan 12, 2025 12:38 PM
Patricia Feager

Lew Corcoran

Black ice was new to me when I moved to Texas. WOW! Then I found out the reason and not in the worst way. 

You are correct, Lew. "It's a timely reminder to stay alert and prioritize safety when we're on the road." 

Thank you!

Jan 12, 2025 06:26 PM
George Souto
George Souto NMLS #65149 - Middletown, CT
Your Connecticut Mortgage Expert

Patricia I have driven in both snow and on black ice, and I have to say I found black ice much more difficult to handle.

Jan 12, 2025 06:50 PM
Patricia Feager

George Souto - I would also much rather drive on snow instead of black ice. 

Be safe!

Jan 12, 2025 06:57 PM
Kat Palmiotti
eXp Commercial, Referral Divison - Kalispell, MT
Helping your Montana dreams take root

Good morning! My winter tires are studded, for exactly that reason - ice. It's quite common to have ice on our roads since it warms up above freezing on most winter days, and then goes below freezing at night.

Enjoy your day!

Jan 13, 2025 05:26 AM
Patricia Feager

Kat Palmiotti - how interesting! All the time I lived in the Midwest where winter weather was long and harsh, I never heard of studded tires. I guess that's why when I drove up north because I had to, my car was always swerving, skidding, and on the verge of an accident. I had many close calls. I guess I was lucky!

Jan 13, 2025 05:32 AM
Kat Palmiotti

I wouldn't do my driveway and the main road without them Patricia Feager !

Jan 13, 2025 06:30 AM