In rural areas where there are washes, flood plains, easements, water allocations, poor road access, etc., selling vacant land is not easy. Patience is required as well as a seller who understands these issues.
Recently I sold this 2.35 acre parcel north of Highway 68 in Golden Valley, AZ. The seller is happy because he tried to sell it himself and had no offers.
Working with a professional real estate agent who is also a REALTOR® the seller quickly saw more views from the local MLS twice monthly reports. I physically showed this property a couple of times.
This property had two very significant hard to sell issues.
First, was road access. The road was literally washed out and became a wash as you can see from the featured photo. Four wheel drive was necessary as the wash was quite sandy and very soft.
Road access is one reason why listing agents will often require potential buyers to physically visit the property. As someone who loves to sell dirt, I do require all my listings to state "buyer must confirm he or she have walked the property."
Second, the entire parcel was in a EPA flood zone. Special permits are required for elevation purposes as well as flood insurance.
In my vacant land listings (remember I love selling dirt), I always inform the public any property that is in a flood zone and I will also tell potential buyers who may call about any property that is in a flood zone or any other significant issue such as road access. The reason is like my seller, often out of state buyers especially investors, are not informed of issues like access and flood zone status. Then these property owners are often "stuck" with a difficult property to sell.
Working with a professional real estate agent is essential to avoid buying a property with what I might call "surprises." Also, having a local real estate agent who knows the area and who does his or her due diligence before taking the listing or showing the property is also very helpful.
Some real estate agents business plans are to focus on securing as many vacant land listings as possible. For me, my goal is to protect and promote my clients and that means I want to sell the property. If I don't feel I can properly protect and promote my client, I will not take the listing.
Leanne M Smith, The Grit and Gratitude Agent Who Goes the Extra Mile Because Life Begins Where the Pavement Ends.
Feature Photo Courtesy of Leanne M Smith
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