
INSIDE INSTRUCTS OUTSIDE (why are you waiting)?

Real Estate Broker/Owner with people first...then business Ran Right Realty 636943 licensed to thrill

I don't feel like it? That message is sent by your body perhaps your mind but the one message that really counts is the orders issued by the one in charge. That would be you! Stop waiting for something to come to you & instead, begin a journey to go toward what you want. Give the command & it is so!

TAKE HER OUT steady as she goes

Anything you set out to do will be done. People practice this on routine everyday matters. There is absolutely no reason why this would not work for larger matters too. First, we were not put here to be defeated. Second, in America, you go until you had enough. Lastly, watch out for things that tell you otherwise or cause doubt, hesitation or confusion. They are not in charge


Blaming others or having excuses are robbers in disguise. They are deceivers too because they would have you believe that someone or something is keeping you from succeeding. Nothing has the power to stop you and I remind you again of all the little things that you get done every day. You have what it takes


It is when someone starts to realize a dream or reach for a star or rise above their circumstances that all hell sits up and takes notice. Let them because while dark forces use hell for their purposes, others use it for good. I take it as a good sign when things don't go exactly right because it tells me I may be on to something really good here. Then, the question is: HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT?


As a person thinks, so it will be. There is no good or bad, right or wrong in the literally sense of the word. Life is different to the trillions of beings that pass through it although we do have the majority of like things in common. But the individual journeys remain subjective, unique, and private. It has no bounds


Your personal journey is designed to help with your personal growth if you handle correctly. Resistance equals or signals growth. When muscles ache or you feel a burn when working out, it is because of the exercising of that muscle resisting and its energy expended that causes the lactic acid burn off causing burn. This is you living life. Your furnace is burn ready. Engines are up to speed. Now, where to go?


Dreams have a purpose. Look around you anywhere and behold the technology and material items that surround you. This was some ones dream long before it manifested and materialized itself. So dream, dream big and then put legs on those dreams and watch your life change for the better. Who can stop you?


Watch for low self-esteem or unworthiness dynamics. They creep around & apply phony brakes to simple, you have coming, rewards, pleasures & outcomes. Money, power & fame does not define a person. YOU are one of a kind making you unique, priceless & valuable. From baby birth to exit, life is the reward not material things

WHEN YOU FIRST GET UP in the morning

Visualize a compass that has 360 degrees to travel by. First, thanks for having me warms up the engines as shower, brush & get dressed. Then, expectations get a turn. Now, to do two things: 1. what is expected or agreed to & 2. let your heart's desires have a turn. Then, be anxious for nothing BUT expect everything.


Adventure and exploring are not designed to exist in the mind solely. They may start there but lead to something greater. The poets of old & new accuse the accusable, of existing & not living. Oh, make them a liar this day!

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Bill Salvatore - East Valley
Arizona Elite Properties - Chandler, AZ
Realtor - 602-999-0952 / em:

great information. Thanks for sharing it.

Have a super fantastic week!

Bill Salvatore, Realtor- Arizona Elite Properties

Jan 13, 2025 09:25 AM
Richard Alan Naggar

Bill Salvatore - East Valley ...who rules Arizona East Valley thank you

Jan 13, 2025 10:57 AM
Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho
Sandpoint Realty LLC - Sandpoint, ID
North Idaho Real Estate - 208-255.6227

The proverbial 'first step is the hardest'  Make it a good year ahead, one day at a time.  m 

Jan 13, 2025 03:20 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

Lot going on with that "first step" as you mention Mark Don McInnes, Sandpoint-Idaho doesn't get enough respect methinks

Jan 14, 2025 06:34 AM
Joe Mojica
Laer Realty Partners Bowen - Port St Lucie, FL
Your Home Adds Value to You

Richard- you blog was right on point. I really appreciate the information that you included in it. Great points!   Joe

Jan 16, 2025 07:56 PM
Richard Alan Naggar

How good of you to visit & comment Joe Mojica thank you

Jan 17, 2025 06:46 AM