Things About Houses – Keys
Keys, we all have them, we all need them.
We need keys to open all sorts of things like, the front door to our homes, our cars, a padlock on our bikes, the list can go on and on.
When a buyer purchases a house it is a good idea to change the locks to the house right away. Who knows who has a spare key, maybe a neighbor or a relative who comes into town once in a while. Don’t take any chances, change the locks and get new keys right away. Make a few spare keys for future use as well. Give yourself peace of mind.
I remember years ago my parents house had a simple lock on the front door, an old door. When we forgot our keys, all we needed was a dime to open that latch. We were lucky we lived in a neighborhood that this sort of lock system was okay.
Nowadays, keys are transforming into fobs or cards that a person just needs to press a button or place card on a reader near the handle.
Getting your house re-keyed can be done by hiring a handyman, by yourself, if you are so inclined, or by hiring a locksmith. Most supplies can be purchased at a hardware store like Lowe's or Home Depot. These stores also have an automated machine that reproduces keys. Locksmiths on the other hand will have the supplies for sure.
It might not be a bad idea to have a spare key in a lockbox somewhere on your property, for those times when you are not able to be at the house for a repair, or an unexpected visit from a relative, or when you misplace your keys.
For local locksmiths in Delaware County, here are two we have used.
South Penn Locks – Media, PA – They are also good for replacing those expensive remote car keys, much cheaper than a dealer.
Harveys Locks – Milmont Park, PA
Happy New Year!
Other posts in this series:
Things About Houses - Basements
Things About Houses - Chimneys
Things About Houses - Electricity
Things About Houses - Gingerbread
Things About Houses - Home Inspections For Buyers
Gloria Todor and Doug Durren, Realtors®, SFR®
Premier Property Sales & Rentals
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