January Challenge- Passing the Apron
When I was young, I learned how to cook by watching my grandmother prepare our dinners and our big family holiday dinners. She prepared everything for those big dinners…the turkey, ham, dressing, mashed potatoes, etc AND at least 4 pies.
There were no written recipes. When I asked my grandmother how much vinegar, for example, to add to the spaghetti sauce, her answer was “Oh this much” as she dumped a large spoonful in.
My cousins and I have done our best to recreate her potato salad and other favorite dishes but I wish we’d had a written recipe to follow.
My mother was the baker in the family so it was easy to follow her recipes. We’re still looking for the recipe she used for my favorite yellow cake with chocolate icing. I may have come close after trying at least a dozen chocolate icing recipes.
Which brings me to my 2025 goal. My 2 nieces were never taught how to cook or bake. Mini-me is learning and has often helped her Uncle Larry in the kitchen.
My recipes are all in the cloud in Google Drive. They are ones I’ve used from various sources with tweaks and notes from me on them.
My 2025 plan is to edit and organize them to give to my nieces. I’ll include my own notes or “how to’s.”
Years ago I took cooking classes at Williams-Sonoma. My chief takeaway was that anyone can read a recipe however there are tips and tricks that you only learn from trial and error or from other cooks.
Over the years I’ve kept notes on large dinners and parties I’ve given. It’s not perfect but it helps me remember all of the things that need to be prepared or done…especially the last minute tasks.
I want to organize these notes so it’s easier for me to refer to and to pass on to them.
They may never use this information or the recipes… or maybe Mini-me will use it as a reference. Either way, it will be there for them.
It’s about time I organized my recipes and got my act together.
This is my 2nd entry in ActiveRain’s January 2025 Challenge: Planning for Success.