Philosopher, after philosophers have given us grandiose visions of what we should do with our lives. The longer I live I think the bulk of their thoughts are "borrowed" from someone even wiser then they.
This is my third entry into Leanne Smith and Will Hamm's challenge for January about planning. Of course they were asking about your plan for a successful year in Real Estate for 2025 BUT I am retired so I am looking at it as my plan for success in general.
Taking a step back to 1999 I had to ask myself what is my plan going forward. Carol was pregnant with Tina and I was looking at being a father for the first time (I was already 44 years old). I was in a vocation I loved, making more money then I thought possible for myself BUT that vocation required long hours, always on the road... just like my father. Unlike my father however, I did not see money as the solution to a good family. For a good family I knew I had to be a participating part of it.
Two worlds collide.
I was raised in a "Christian" home. During my 17 years at home my folks attended one denomination, The EUB (Evangelical United Brethren) church. The EUB merged with the Methodist church creating The United Methodist Church. The merger gave us a new pastor and that pastor and my mother did not get along so off we went "Church Shopping". Long story short, I've attended several denominations and to be honest I am still searching for one I want to be labeled as.
My long range "eternal" plan
is to shed all the denominational beliefs set upon me in the past. Please understand that my plan is NOT to dump church and just believe what I believe, NO, my plan is to continue reading the scripture every day, digest it, and live it. The more I read God's word the more my faith grows and the more God's grace grows towards me. No person will ever be worthy of acceptance into God's kingdom but by his amazing Grace we can be saved.