How to explain & use love-hate correctly so that NOT only you understand & wield it correctly but that others understand it when you employ your understanding of it. Like it or not, these dynamics are part of mankind & very much a part of our journey while here on earth. Let's zero (pun) in on what we do & why when it comes to love/hate ratings
WORTHY NOTE: As we live our life's, we have a range of feelings, expectations, emotions, losses & all the rest. Some are better than others. All of them change
Zero on this scale can be impartial, indifference or objectivity or a distinct message to another saying: you don't even rate in my world. There, you rate your dislike or disdain for another via ZERO. This lets us get out what is trying to get in us.
Who would occupy a ten on your scale? Who gets this high honor? Remember, mind your own scale & rating. As to others, we will get to that. Suggestions for a TEN? You have to mean it not just say it & it is so. If someone occupies the top scale figure, then you would exude this. It would be apparent to all. You own it
1. God: Now there is a worthy & safe ten. Remember, no fluff or showing off.
2. Spouse: If this is true-blue, happy for you. If it is to get something in return. NO!
3. Favorite food: This is a safe place. It is the opposite of the condemned man's last meal. What food, do you look forward to that brings you pleasure, surprise & satisfaction. Oh have fun here. Cheeseburgers, pizza, BBQ & desserts all welcomed
4. Experiences: Could be a travel spot, a pleasure zone, an inside or an outside dynamic, & could include emotional highs & lows. However, a ten is an elite place
1. Going to the dentist. Look, you got to go but it is my least favorite endeavor
2. Pain in general. In the medical fields, don't they ask you to rate pain from 1-10?
3. Your job: If you don't like what you do, a one here I come. Can't wait for it to end
4. A person: There is no permanent tag, but for the moment, someone is a one
BETWEEN 2 and 9
Totally subjective for YOU, to place as you wish, a rating of your choice in the moment you are in for whatever personal reason. Again, don't be phony but real. Here is an example: I knew of a woman (many) who love their pets more than their husbands thus on their scale, the pet scored higher while the husband lower LOL
From an unleashed I wish you in hell to a serious disturbance, the hate scale speaks. There is a serious caveat that comes with this HATE scale. If you have a serious HATE vs a dislike, that HATRED works on you first & foremost. When you scorn with a vengeance, it changes your demeanor, character & identity. Toxicity is in you & that poison kills you from within. YOUR spirit & soul are at serious risk
WORTHY NOTE: The hate scale is a take-a way dynamic & does inner injury. "I don't like you" is allowed but why not use that on the love scale? Here's what you risk if you develop a 1-10 HATE scale. Being cut-off from God. But wait there is more:
1. Your common sense ceases to work. Forget about intuition, reason & logic too. Why? you are corrupted! You are playing God & that position is taken. In the spiritual realms, a person's spirit is held accountable to spiritual principles.
2. You now have a false identity & character. Your first impression needs so much explaining followed closely by excuses, denial & becoming willful & domineering.
3. Imitation is now your new construct. You see you have temporary lost the real, genuine & child-like existence. You now have to create a false one in its place
4. Smarter has left you for harder. Inward & outward stress & distress become the norm. Since it is not normal, you must feed it continuously. Life energy is drained. So, what do I recommend? It's so simple too & safe as well.
WORTHY NOTE: Judgement & condemnation is driven by dark forces & feed your ego & pride for the worst. You can become addicted to hating!
As long as you don't hate, resent, judge, abuse or condemn anyone, then you are on the LOVE scale automatically. It is a very safe & acceptable place even if it is a one or a two. Doesn't matter. The commandment to LOVE one another is kept!
WORTH REPEATING: As long as you don't hate, you are automatically loving & on the love scale. Don't love or like someone? Rate them low or lower on the love scale. Remember, they can always change positions on the scale because you change too. Time, perspective & forgiveness all travel with us. Be open to this
I love everyone until I have a reason not to. But hate? Never for my sake & theirs