I've observed that people of all ages forget where they put things. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "Mom, have you seen my", whatever this and whatever that.
In today's world the number one item seems to be "where did I put my cell phone?" closely followed by "what was that password?". It's always funny when the person asking about the phone has it in their hand while they are looking for it. For us older folks it may be "what was I looking for" followed by why did I walk into this room?".
On a personal level my wife asks me every morning "did you take your pills this morning?" and before bed "did you put your eyedrops in before you came to bed?". About half the time I did NOT take my pills or eyedrops so her reminders are welcome.
My favorite is:
This post was just for fun. Stay tuned for a more intelligent post soon.